
Where I share my thoughts, experiences, and research regarding various spiritual paths and beliefs, practices, and tools. My goal is to provide resources for you to identify and deepen your own beliefs and practices for a satisfying, nourishing, and meaningful spiritual life.

animistic astrology, astrology, fixed stars Amaya Rourke animistic astrology, astrology, fixed stars Amaya Rourke

2023 - 2024 free Devotional and Veneration Resources

An overview of the free guides and divination spreads I provide for starting devotional spirit relationships with the fixed stars and planets.

Acknowledging and growing closer to our stellar ancestors is one of the most nourishing, enlightening, and clarifying practices we can begin at any given time. It is never too late, nor is what you bring too little.

Whether you're new or well-seasoned in your celestial devotional practice, I wanted to make my personal basic process available as an open resource for those who wish to start or deepen relationships with the fixed stars and/or planets.

You can now download these resources in my shop as free pdfs.

This process is a contemporary and simplified method of veneration (devotional relationship building) that is based off of historical practices in the stellar art. The modifications I've made are based on my own many-years-long practice and relationships with the fixed stars and planets, as well as designed for someone with a modern schedule.

Many people mistake complexity for depth or even artfulness. However, for most of us, making things complicated only leads to inconsistency and eventually abandonment of a practice.

The most important thing to remember in any relationship is sincerity and consistency. A candle, basic incense, and water goes a long way when your heart is in the right place, when you say prayers with fervency, when you show up and stay present in the moment. Doing this once a month with complete presence is a greater offering than giving gold ten times a month while distracted and inattentive.

There are mysteries inherent to learning the artfulness of simplicity, as well as going as deep as you can with the most basic of tools. A master martial artist doesn't need to know every complicated move--they just need complete mastery over the basics to be a champion.

This same principle applies to any esoteric or occult study or practice. Your relationships with stellar beings will grow based on how deeply in love you are with getting to know even the most simple things related to them--including how you approach your devotion with them.

Start with where you are, with what you have. I promise it is enough.


This spread was created for anyone who is nervous or has doubts in regards to starting a relationship with a fixed star or planet.

Relationships should always move at the speed of trust. A great first step is to pre-emptively ask the star/planet a few questions about itself and the outcome that may unfold from starting a relationship with them.

You can use this spread with tarot or oracle cards, and you could even modify the questions for use with a pendulum, dice, or throwing of bones.

Only move forward with creating a devotional relationship if you feel capable and ready to undergo the experience that is being described when using this spread!


This spread was created to help someone have a first-time conversation during a devotional session with a fixed star or planet. (For more on how to have a basic devotional session, I have detailed step-by-step documents in the next 2 sections of this article).

Everyone likes being known and feeling interesting to the person making contact with them. In fact, I'd argue that is just a basic level of respect in any conversation. This is doubly important when we are making contact with celestial more-than-human spirits.

When I designed this spread I kept this motif in mind--that for a satisfying spiritual relationship, there must be reciprocal expressed and demonstrated interest, as well as an idea of where things will go in that relationship. Healthy commitment is foundational to feeling safe in any relationship, and that includes feeling that a relationship is going somewhere, at least in a broad sense.

You can use this spread with tarot or oracle cards, and you could even modify the questions for use with a pendulum, dice, or throwing of bones.

Basic Fixed Star Devotional Relationship Building (Veneration) Practice

Fixed stars are, in one sense, easier to start relationships with because of their inherently broad and less-defined nature (compared to planets). However, this can also intimidate those who are just starting out who want very precise instructions.

I've done my very best to lay out a basic practice that takes out 70% of the guess work. Because there are almost 100 stars that are visible to the naked eye, there is no way I could sit and come up with correspondent stones, foods, or plants for each and ever one of them. In fact, the way I do that in my own practice is based on a long personal relationship with a star and lots of communication via divination, dreams, and sudden insights gained from research and connection making.

The only way to do this for yourself, is to start the relationship with simplicity (a glass of water, basic incense, the set Orphic Hymn to the stars), and let that relationship blossom and unfold over time.

I wrote this (free) guide with exactly that in mind: a very basic, accessible framework that can be done anywhere with very easy/basic timing--and you can build on and modify it as your relationship grows.

Basic Planetary Devotional Relationship Building (Veneration) Practice

Planets, in one sense, are more complicated than stars. There are planetary days, nights, and hours, as well as very precise planetary correspondences to stones, plants, foods, and incense. I've made sure that you are given a basic overview of these concepts in this guide.

However, I want to encourage you to start slow and simple. It's okay to set up temporary altars. It's okay to have a practice with the planetary day or night when it works for your schedule. It's okay if you only give them water, incense, and a prayer. The more important thing, as I said above, is your sincerity and consistency!

Don't let dogma be the enemy of starting a fulfilling and personal relationship with the night sky!

Acknowledging and growing closer to our stellar ancestors is one of the most nourishing, enlightening, and clarifying practices we can begin at any given time. It is never too late, nor is what you bring too little. They simply require your presence and desire to connect--and I hope these guides and divination spreads help motivate you to give it a try!

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Learning about the stars helps us grow closer to the world as a whole, Find where we belong in the spiritual ecosystem, and to Become rooted in whole heartedness.

I’d love to share my stellar love letters with you.