Mater Medusa, PotniA Theron:

Mistress of Animals and Ecstatic Mother of Witch Initiation

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Mater Medusa Potnia Theron Witchcraft Workshop

This is not an astrological workshop! If you’re looking for an astrological workshop on fixed star Algol, please go here.

  • Downloadable 3+ hour pre-recorded oral (audio) workshop based on extensive spirit-led research and experiential practice over 8 years

  • Bonus: downloadable divination spread to find out if you are compatible to become a witch initiate of Mater Medusa

  • Bonus: 80+ page initiation and timing guide as a downloadable PDF that includes detailed suggested devotional and ritual calendar timed to celestial events throughout the year

  • Bonus to be added to download folder at a later date: workshop transcript

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To be honest, sharing this side of my work scares the life out of me. 

Until recently, my public work regarding Medusa was focused exclusively on the astrology of fixed star Algol. Yet, the truth is that my private practice was not traditional astrological devotion or practice.

My personal practice deepened me into a wilder folk witchcraft through states of ecstatic spirit flight. It was unlike anything spoken about in the astrological source material. 

It was spirit work, pure and simple. And like most witch work, there are times more empowered for certain activities. Mater Medusa instructed me to these timings with one of her omens--the fixed star Algol.

Spirit Flight by Liz Huston

Still, this was not astrology or astrological magic or even astrolatry. It was a witchcraft practice given to me by the spirit Mater Medusa.

I was afraid that if I made this public, certain astrologers and occultists would dismiss my experiences because they weren't written in dusty old books. I worried that sharing my personal practice publicly would cheapen it. I worried about what others might think. Scared to become yet another scapegoat to someone’s projections of moral judgment and what was deemed socially acceptable.

She was insistent that I share what She has revealed. She haunted my dreams and caused chaos in my waking life. My daily divination screamed at me to use the courage She had given me, to draw the power She supplies to the tips of my fingers and tongue. 

Yet, I continued to deny Her. I stuck to what felt “safe” to me. There are consequences to that. 

Like… my computer began eating my work. Including the 200+ slide powerpoint for the original 2022 Algol workshop. Then my computer died. Then the dreams started. And, well… life lost its flow. 

Even this Tower moment was a graceful initiation led by the Green Queen, Mater Medusa. Wading through destruction and near disaster, She worked overtime to remove the detritus standing in the way of my next shape.

When I entered the land of the Star, She helped me dip deep into the wells of inspiration. Through the spirit flight She induced, She guided me to new research and sources. 

She helped me find strong comparative-based connections that supports my longtime hunch about Her pre-Greek origins. Research that makes me feel confident enough to share this work.  (Edit: This was later confirmed by an eminent academic classical philologist and translator of ancient Greek and Roman languages months after I released this work.)

Now that I travel through the land of the Moon--the meeting hall of the commons--it is time to share the journey she took me on, and the discoveries I made.

It’s time I serve as the herald of Mater Medusa, Potnia Theron: Mistress of Animals and Ecstatic Mother of Witch Initiation.

This is not an astrology workshop.

(If you’re looking for the astrology of fixed star Algol, check out my other workshop here.)

Mater Medusa is more than her Powerful omens, including the star Algol.

The third chapter in a live performance by Marina Abramović called Seven Deaths, 2021

This is for the witches, the monsters, the mutations who exchange their marrow and blood for hollow wings and serpentine tails. The liminal ones who change shapes at will. The ones seeking a world within a fur-lined rabbit hole within a fiery egg within a glass mountain. 

This workshop is for the ones ready for an initiation that utterly changes their world, forever. The ones ready to lose their heads to fully feel their beating wild animal heart that spans across worlds. 

Mater Medusa is ready to guide you.

so I may Fly the Heights & Slither the Depths

Workshop Framework

Mythic Groundwork

A review of the Medusa myth and it’s striking evolution. This Greek myth is unlike the other stories of monsters, and reveals many hidden truths about the sacred and powerful nature of Medusa’s witchcraft. After listening closely, you should be equipped with an inventory of the icons and implements central to this craft.

A snaking history

The pre-Greek origins of Medusa are a mystery to this day, and many an argument has been made about where she may have come from. Through compare and contrast, we look at her possible connections. I include the striking theory that Medusa led me to through a series of spirit flight visions and bibliomancy. These spirit-led research revelations have now been confirmed by an eminent classical philologist and translator of ancient Greek and Roman languages.

The Nest of Potnia Theron

What is the role of the Mistress of Animals in mythology and later folklore? Tracing the past to the present-day we look at the role the Mistress of Animals takes in witchcraft practice. More importantly, what path Mater Medusa lays for her initiates, should they heed her call.

On The Utility of Bonelessness

Decapitation is an ancient spiritual motif, going back to the paleolithic and proto-shamanism. It has carried through to modern occultism with a surprising strength. What is the point of boneless motifs in folklore and witchcraft? And what ecstasy does Mater Medusa lead us to, in our present-day contemporary witchcraft?

To Become A Flying snake woman

The follow-up materials (an 80+ page guidebook) for the workshop gives a loose framework for devotion and initiatory rites that the prospective initiate to form their own spirit relationship, pact, and practice with Mater Medusa. This includes a flexible suggested calendar based on the sacred stars connected and under the tutelage of Mater Medusa.

Amaya teaches from within understanding, weaving the past and present together in a way that cracks and waters the seed of life. As you listen to the stories of the world, along the edges you can begin to catch your own heartbeat. I was carried away by her retelling of the Perseus myth and every time I relisten I understand it in new ways. The oral nature of the workshop is profound, exciting, and incredibly supportive. If you're searching but cant seem to find an entryway, listen deeply and this workshop will invite you in.” - Enya

Mater Medusa Potnia Theron Witchcraft Workshop

This is not an astrological workshop! If you’re looking for an astrological workshop on fixed star Algol, please go here.

  • Downloadable 3+ hour pre-recorded oral (audio) workshop based on extensive spirit-led research and experiential practice over 8 years

  • Bonus: downloadable divination spread to find out if you are compatible to become a witch initiate of Mater Medusa

  • Bonus: 80+ page initiation and timing guide as a downloadable PDF that includes detailed suggested devotional and ritual calendar timed to celestial events throughout the year

  • Bonus to be added to download folder at a later date: workshop transcript

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Welcome to the Realm of Winged Serpents

  • Step into a world where the myth of Medusa is not just a story, but a doorway to ecstatic realms. This isn’t just a workshop; it’s a tapestry of wild folk witchcraft woven through spirit and time. Across three hours, you'll journey deep into the hidden corridors of ancient wisdom and modern revelations, forever altering your perception of the Mater Medusa.

  • Are you ready to undergo dismemberment and reconfiguration so you can walk the path of Mater Medusa's initiate? Let this divination spread show you how to unveil whether your spirit resonates with the ancient powers of Mater Medusa. This tool is your personal oracle, ready to disclose the depths of your mystical journey.

  • If you're ready to tread the ordeal path of initiation, Mater Medusa awaits. With this 80+ page PDF I will walk beside you with precise guide posts for your multi-world journey.. This PDF is not a set of instructions, but the map for the territory of your own personal relationship and practice with Mater Medusa. Each suggested step is a sacred act, a dance with divine shapeshifting. Follow these rites, and be reborn in the image of Mater Medusa, a winged serpent.

  • Step into the sacred epiphanies that mark the measure of time for Mater Medusa on a year-round basis. This stellar calendar is an astrological guide tailored for the devotees of Mater Medusa. Each rite, each devotion, is synced with specific celestial movements, ensuring your practice is as potent as the star Algol itself. Sync with the timing of Mater Medusa and her undulating star that blinks with the Lunar syncopation.

  • Each component of this workshop is carefully crafted to lead you through the labyrinthine paths of ancient wisdom, modern witchcraft, and personal transformation, under the watchful gaze of Mater Medusa. Embrace this journey and let it shapeshift you, body, mind, and soul.

Amaya teaches from within understanding, weaving the past and present together in a way that cracks and waters the seed of life. As you listen to the stories of the world, along the edges you can begin to catch your own heartbeat. I was carried away by her retelling of the Perseus myth and every time I relisten I understand it in new ways. The oral nature of the workshop is profound, exciting, and incredibly supportive. If you're searching but cant seem to find an entryway, listen deeply and this workshop will invite you in.” - Enya

Mater Medusa Potnia Theron Witchcraft Workshop

This is not an astrological workshop! If you’re looking for an astrological workshop on fixed star Algol, please go here.

  • Downloadable 3+ hour pre-recorded oral (audio) workshop based on extensive spirit-led research and experiential practice over 8 years

  • Bonus: downloadable divination spread to find out if you are compatible to become a witch initiate of Mater Medusa

  • Bonus: 80+ page initiation and timing guide as a downloadable PDF that includes detailed suggested devotional and ritual calendar timed to celestial events throughout the year

  • Bonus to be added to download folder at a later date: workshop transcript

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✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • After purchase you’ll be sent a pdf with a link to the folder where you can download the workshop recording and bonus materials.

  • -Downloadable 3+ hour pre-recorded video workshop

    -Bonus: downloadable divination spread to find out if you are compatible to become a witch initiate of Mater Medusa

    -Bonus: downloadable 80+ page PDF of the suggested steps for attempting initiation with Mater Medusa, as well as a suggested star calendar connected with various witchcraft rites and seasonal changes that happen year-round.

  • No, you do not need to know astrology to benefit from this workshop. Any use of astrological timing will be explained in the initiation guide, and which includes the ritual and devotional suggested calendar that you can follow at your discretion.

  • This workshop is designed for anyone from beginners to advanced practitioners. Even if you have no experience, you can start a witch initiation using this framework.

  • This workshop is for anyone who feels drawn to Medusa’s witchcraft. It does not require any particular personal chart signature.

  • My other workshop, Wearing the Primordial Mask of the Creatrix, is an astrology-focused workshop.

    This workshop is based on my personal gnosis with the entity Mater Medusa. It is not centered on astrology, but on witchcraft.

    I split this into 2 workshops so that they were of a manageable length. And if people wanted to choose which side to focus on (astrology or witchcraft) they would have the ability to do so.

    They compliment one another greatly, as they contain different details important to the myths and how to interpret them with what ancient Greeks were more likely implying in the story based on the culture at the time.

  • They are very complimentary to one another.

    Please note that there is some cross-over in the mythology and history sections.

    But they are still significantly different to one another.

    Wearing the Primordial Mask is centered on the astrology of fixed star Algol.

    This workshop, Mater Medusa, Potnia Theron, is focused on the witchcraft process of initiation with the Mistress of Animals.

    I split this into 2 workshops so that they were of a manageable length. And if people wanted to choose which side to focus on (astrology or witchcraft) they would have the ability to do so.

  • There is only a single-pay option to buy the workshop. The workshop is already priced for accessibility while still respecting and honoring my time and spiritual vulnerability in sharing this framework.

  • Yes! You can email me at to discuss how best to send your donation.

  • I am honoring the spiritual tides that I have been pacted to ride with Mater Medusa, which includes when to open this for access and when to close it.

  • At this time a transcript is not available, but I am negotiating with Mater Medusa to make this more accessible.

  • Yes, you can contact me via email:

    Please note that it can take up to 7 days to receive a response.

  • If you have problems please email me!

  • Per my website terms and conditions, I do not offer refunds.

    All courses, classes, and workshops are sent via an automated system and come with one-on-one support via email. As such, all courses are non-refundable due to the nature of the automation and due to the ongoing support made available to you throughout the duration of the course.