Wearing the Primordial Mask of the Creatrix:

Recovering the Dimensions of Fixed Star Algol IN Natal Astrology and Devotional Practice

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(if you’re not sure, read more below!)

Algol Fixed Star Astrology Workshop
  • Downloadable 3+ hour pre-recorded oral (audio) workshop based on extensive spirit-led research and experiential practice over 8 years

  • Bonus: downloadable 60+ page guide of planet-Algol conjunctions and a framework for starting a devotional practice with fixed star Algol

  • Bonus: downloadable PDF tarot spread for assessing if you are being called into the service of the Great Mother Gorgon

  • Bonus: a downloadable copy of the older 2022 Algol workshop

  • Bonus: a downloadable guided breath-work meditation

  • Bonus to be added to the download folder at a later date: workshop transcript

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“the gorgon’s head, a ghastly sight, 

Deformed and dreadful, and a sign of woe.”  - The Iliad 

“Astrologers of course said that it was the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous star in the heavens.”  - Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning by Richard Hinckley 

“Of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.”  - Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, by Vivian Robson

So… If this was a prominent star I had in my own birth chart, did that mean I was destined to misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, or becoming a murderer? 

I began researching in earnest to confirm whether this was a certainty. I looked for examples of others who had a heavy chart influence from the head of the dreaded gorgon.:

  • Arethra Franklin

  • Einstein

  • Edgar Cayce

  • Van Gogh

  • Carl Jung

  • Dean Martin

  • Billy Joel

  • Oscar Wilde

  • Liberace

  • Frida Kahlo

  • Erik Satie

  • Megan Fox

  • Trent Reznor

Were there also tragic lives or bad eggs? Without a doubt:

  • Josef Stalin

  • Princess Diana

  • John Wayne Gacy

  • Carrie Fisher

But it seemed by and large that those with Algol influence in their charts were prolifically creative and skilled, ahead of their time and more liberal than most people were comfortable with. The demons they seemed to struggle with the most were those of the creative life–the need for intense catharsis that both births creative output, and is quelled with a creative outlet.

Violence and dishonor were not nearly as common as ancient sources emphasized. Which got me wondering… 

With curiosity and determination, The spirit of Algol threw me down a very deep rabbit hole of research that spanned Gorgons, Apotropaic Iconography, Scythian religion, Egyptian and Canaanite Gods, Amazon Warriors, to try to make sense of the twisted history of the Medusa myth.

The deeper I went, the more it was revealed that the Greeks took a pre-existing Goddess (or maybe a few) and turned her into a monster. Paradoxically, this monster (unlike any others in the Greek myths) was even more powerful when she was decapitated. And there was a fundamental purpose and reason that her stare would freeze any who looked into her face. A spiritual one.

Obviously some of this was for colonization purposes… But it seemed more of it was an echo of a past spiritual practice related to divinatory insight, assessing if someone was worthy to enter precious places or have access to powerful people, and ritual death and rebirth in an ecstatic state. 

In my spirit-led research I even developed a theory as to why this star was later construed in Arabic astrology as a blinking demon… Which was certainly connected to the fact that Algol is actually a triple star within a binary-eclipsing system that runs on a 2.8 day cycle (much like the Moon). 

This research culminated into a much more rich and nuanced understanding of this powerful and greatly feared star. Within my own practices the Great Mother Gorgon reclaimed her dimensional self beyond the fearful projections and scapegoating I witnessed in astrological texts.

And in my client practices, this information began helping the Great Mother Gorgon’s children understand the creative and spiritual power (as well as responsibility) that she has gifted them with. 

As a person with Algol both in a tight conjunction and important parans, these revelations were a balm to my heart… and I realized countless people would benefit from knowing this for a richer life experience.

Which is why I am sharing my spirit-led astrological, historical, and mythological research into fixed star Algol.

sneak peak at the Workshop:

Mythic Explorations

I start the workshop off exploring how the myth of Medusa began, and how it evolved over time. I identify important iconic symbology embedded in the myth. To end this section I give a spirited retelling of the myth.

Historic labyrinth

In the next part of the workshop I try to unravel the twisted origins of Medusa. I discuss the Greek practice of Theocrasia and what makes Medusa unique within that framework. I explore similar goddesses that have been suggested as Medusa’s pre-Greek origin, and what they have in common. I end with a new historic connection I found in my research that seems to match the evolution of Medusa through the myths. These spirit-led research revelations have now been confirmed by an eminent classical philologist and translator of ancient Greek and Roman languages.

Algol’s Astronomy & Astrology

In this brief section I explore the astronomy of fixed star Algol. The astronomy adds more to the story of why the star Algol has been demonized and feared. Then I dive into the astrology of Medusa, how to look it up in your own chart, and how to track the important transits with this star.

Astrological examples

Next we’ll explore some examples of people who have Algol in their chart. What commonalities do they all possess? What challenges seem to come up over and over again? This provides a broad survey for possible interpretation outside of the dire prognostications written by ancient sources.

Devotional relationship

The follow-up materials for the workshop include a with a devotional framework to get to know the fixed star Algol on a more personal basis. All of the research and examples culminates into a soulful spiritual practice to accept the Algolian within you, and call upon the Great Mother Gorgon for guidance.

"Amaya's knowledge and wisdom about the fixed stars is deep and broad, embodied and celestial in equal measure. Her study of the associated mythos of the stars informs her connection with them, but does not define it. She relates with them as the multifaceted godforms they are, and takes care of her relationships with the fixed stars as a friend would. From all of this grows a magical capacity to transform the lives of her friends, clients, students, and all they touch." - Ursula Rising

Algol Fixed Star Astrology Workshop
  • Downloadable 3+ hour pre-recorded oral (audio) workshop based on extensive spirit-led research and experiential practice over 8 years

  • Bonus: downloadable 60+ page guide of planet-Algol conjunctions and a framework for starting a devotional practice with fixed star Algol

  • Bonus: downloadable PDF tarot spread for assessing if you are being called into the service of the Great Mother Gorgon

  • Bonus: a downloadable copy of the older 2022 Algol workshop

  • Bonus: a downloadable guided breath-work meditation

  • Bonus to be added to the download folder at a later date: workshop transcript

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"Amaya is undoubtedly one of heaven's surest guides. As her client, I have been nourished, resourced and prepared for the ebbs and flows of life's journey and equipped for taking the path promised in my nativity. Compassionate and reassuring, Amaya creates a space for self and divine knowing that is as liberative as it is practical, transcendent as it is grounded. Her incisive and precise instruction cuts through the fluff of fools that saturates so much of modern spirituality, and instead offers nourishment for the soul, hydration for the spirit, substance for the road ahead. As a devotee of the Primordial Mother, I have no doubt that what Amaya is offering the world will not just profoundly shift the discourse on Algol, but will forge the means by which we can all enter into deep relationship with the creative force that can help us create a world that is truly just and abundant for all." - Michael Vazquez

This workshop will guide you to:

  • 🐍

    Delve into over three hours of audio transmission where I peel back the celestial layers of Algol's enigma. This isn't just another astrology workshop; it's a transformative expedition across the planes of time, where the myth of Medusa resumes it’s once potent spiritual meaning. Embark on this voyage to decode the hidden symbolism of Algol.

  • 🐍

    Come to a deeper understanding about the astronomy of fixed star Algol. The blinking star stood out in the night sky, inspiring the myths and rites of ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Arabic cultures. Using these examples and the unraveled influences behind the Medusa myth, we can create more balance meaning for today.

  • 🐍

    Looking beyond the dire prognostications of ancient astrologers, this workshop explores living examples of people who have Algol in their chart. How did the myth live through these people? And what nuance can they provide for understanding the power of this star in a chart?

  • 🐍

    Algolian people are gifted with unbridled creativity, incredible healing abilities, and an unparalleled talent for providing protection. Learn how you can harness these wild and strong energies for a more enriching and rewarding life—including developing discernment to avoid the pitfalls of Algol.

  • 🐍

    Bonus materials that help you begin a journey of devotional relationship with the Great Mother Gorgon star, Algol. The 60+ page guide gives you a framework for to planetary-Algol placements, instructions for starting a personal relationship with fixed star Algol, and a divination spread. These culminate into a powerful starter kit for an living an enriching life in relationship with this star.

  • 🐍

    These workshop materials are more than just a separate components; they are keys to unlocking a deeper embodied understanding and connection with the enigmatic power of Algol. Join me on this astrological odyssey and discover the untold dimensions of your celestial inheritance.

"Amaya's knowledge and wisdom about the fixed stars is deep and broad, embodied and celestial in equal measure. Her study of the associated mythos of the stars informs her connection with them, but does not define it. She relates with them as the multifaceted godforms they are, and takes care of her relationships with the fixed stars as a friend would. From all of this grows a magical capacity to transform the lives of her friends, clients, students, and all they touch." - Ursula Rising

Algol Fixed Star Astrology Workshop
  • Downloadable 3+ hour pre-recorded oral (audio) workshop based on extensive spirit-led research and experiential practice over 8 years

  • Bonus: downloadable 60+ page guide of planet-Algol conjunctions and a framework for starting a devotional practice with fixed star Algol

  • Bonus: downloadable PDF tarot spread for assessing if you are being called into the service of the Great Mother Gorgon

  • Bonus: a downloadable copy of the older 2022 Algol workshop

  • Bonus: a downloadable guided breath-work meditation

  • Bonus to be added to the download folder at a later date: workshop transcript

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"Amaya is undoubtedly one of heaven's surest guides. As her client, I have been nourished, resourced and prepared for the ebbs and flows of life's journey and equipped for taking the path promised in my nativity. Compassionate and reassuring, Amaya creates a space for self and divine knowing that is as liberative as it is practical, transcendent as it is grounded. Her incisive and precise instruction cuts through the fluff of fools that saturates so much of modern spirituality, and instead offers nourishment for the soul, hydration for the spirit, substance for the road ahead. As a devotee of the Primordial Mother, I have no doubt that what Amaya is offering the world will not just profoundly shift the discourse on Algol, but will forge the means by which we can all enter into deep relationship with the creative force that can help us create a world that is truly just and abundant for all." - Michael Vazquez

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • After purchase you’ll be sent a pdf with a link to the folder where you can download the workshop recording.

  • -Downloadable 3+ hour pre-recorded video workshop
    -Bonus: downloadable PDF handout with planetary points-Algol delineation suggestions and balancing activities, as well as instructions for starting a personal devotional relationship with the star
    -Bonus: downloadable PDF tarot spread for assessing if you are being called into the service of the Great Mother Gorgon
    -Bonus: the original 2022 recording where I began presenting my spirit-led research into Algol

  • There is only a single-pay option to buy the workshop. The workshop is already priced for accessibility while still respecting and honoring my time and spiritual vulnerability in sharing this framework.

  • Even without Algol in your natal chart, this workshop would be valuable to you if:

    -you have loved ones with prominent Algol conjunctions or parans and you want to understand them better

    -you already have a relationship with Algol or Medusa and want to get to know her deeper

    -you have a desire to start a devotional relationship with Algol or Medusa

    -you want to someday do magic with the fixed star Algol or Medusa

    -you are an astrology enthusiast or student, or even a professional, who wants a much more nuanced look at the fixed star Algol, the mythology of the star, the historical origins, what cultural meaning originally was meant within this story, and much more.

  • Yes, you can contact me via email: amaya@amayarourke.com

    Please note that it can take up to 7 days to receive a response.

  • This workshop is an astrology-focused workshop on the fixed star Algol.

    My other workshop, Mater Medusa, Potnia Theron, is based on my personal gnosis with the entity Mater Medusa. It is not centered on astrology, but on witchcraft.

    I split this into 2 workshops so that they were of a manageable length. And if people wanted to choose which side to focus on (astrology or witchcraft) they would have the ability to do so.

    They compliment one another greatly, as they contain different details important to the myths and how to interpret them with what ancient Greeks were more likely implying in the story based on the culture at the time.

  • The newest version of this workshop is fully updated with significantly different and new content. I personally believe this workshop has better organization and more actionable suggestions, than my last workshop.

  • They are very complimentary to one another.

    Please note that there is some cross-over in the mythology and history sections.

    But they are still significantly different to one another.

    This workshop, Wearing the Primordial Mask, is centered on the astrology of fixed star Algol.

    The other workshop, Mater Medusa, Potnia Theron, is focused on the witchcraft process of initiation with the Mistress of Animals.

    I split this into 2 workshops so that they were of a manageable length. And if people wanted to choose which side to focus on (astrology or witchcraft) they would have the ability to do so.

    They compliment one another greatly, as they contain different details important to the myths and how to interpret them with what ancient Greeks were more likely implying in the story based on the culture at the time.

  • At this time a transcript is not available, but I am negotiating with Mater Medusa to make this more accessible.

  • Yes! You can email me at amaya@amayarourke.com to discuss how best to send your donation.

  • I am honoring the spiritual tides that I have been pacted to ride with Mater Medusa, which includes when to open this for access and when to close it.

  • Per my website terms and conditions, I do not offer refunds.

    All courses, classes, and workshops are sent via an automated system and come with one-on-one support via email. As such, all courses are non-refundable due to the nature of the automation and due to the ongoing support made available to you throughout the duration of the course.

  • If you have problems after that, please email me! amaya@amayarourke.com