About Amaya

Hello from misty Ireland, my name is Amaya Rourke.

I have spent many a night pondering what best describes my work and the focus of my writings.

Ultimately, I am a Spiritual Pathtender in service to the more-than-human world. As a crossroads hermit, my work acts as a reflective waypoint, helping to translate and negotiate understanding between more-than-human spirits, and you, for mutually deeply fulfilling personal relationships and co-creative practices that are realistic, safe, healthy, and reciprocal for all involved.

Being the bearer of a lamp—the light gifted to us by the spirits—I am one who reveals openings in the hedge. As a mediator of the spirits, my work helps guide you on your crooked and wild spiritual journey.

After 5 years, I retired my “public facing” work as an astrologer and spiritual counselor to focus specifically on the spirit led research and development of practices that I share in sacred containers like my newsletter and deep-dive workshops.

My work emerges after spirits burn their unpredictable and ecstatic foxfire into a hedgepath through the tangled brambles of intermixed mythology, folklore, anthropology, archeology, linguistics, literature and poetry, spirit-work, dream practices, and embodied land practices for radical spirit discoveries and exceptionally creative spiritual practice.

So in essence, my role is to serve as a storyteller and intermediary, introducing you to these spirits on an intimate level, and then stepping aside to allow your own unique relationships and practices to flourish in the rich soil of ancestral wisdom and spiritual connection.

The tools in my crane bag that help to inform my work include fixed star and traditional astrology, tarot, spirit work, traditional folk magic and witchcraft, in addition to personal years-long research and practice with different spiritual modalities.

The magical pelt of my crane bag that contains and coalesces these tools into a shared mission and sense of purpose, is my animistic spiritual worldview.

Graham Harvey is great at clarifying what this means:

“Animists are people who recognize that the world is full of persons, only some of whom are human, and that life is always lived in relationship with others. Animism is lived out in various ways that are all about learning to act respectfully (carefully and constructively) towards and among other persons.

My work over the last 5 years has guided others back to the wild core of their most whole hearted selves—the vital personal compass which orients them back to their authentic and unique spiritual path, so they may have deeply fulfilling personal relationships with other-than-human people and spirits. I have been a featured guest on many podcasts​; been a guest writer for limited edition grimoires, the Many Moons lunar planner, and the Evolving Astrologer magazine; and I am a seasoned workshop writer and facilitator.

Like my extremely changeable Cancer Moon, my public practice has gone through many transformations which include Heart Warrior Path, Terra Celestialis, Empress Craft, Moon Haven Astrology, and one half of the (now closed) Arkheina School of Esoteric Studies. Each iteration allowed me to hone and hyper focus different skills, ideas, and practices that I now deliver under the simple moniker of my name.

For 5 years, I tried to make the focus of my work to be serving other humans (especially in consultation), acting as a translator and intermediary between them and the more-than-human spirits of this world—what I term stellar ancestors—as shown in individual natal charts. This put the focus of the work on the human individual—their gifts, challenges, how these ancestral threads ran through and affected their life, and how to rise to all of these unique stories to have better experiences. It was good work, but it was not the best use of my talents. (For extremely ethical and talented individuals I recommend as diviners and counselors, you can check out my personally selected referrals here.)

After writing extensively and honing a spirit-led research practice, I realized that my work was actually meant to serve the spirits, instead. This is a massively different distinction, silly and semantic as it may seem. My work is to serve the more-than-human in revealing the glimmers of their origins and dimensions, so that they can be seen genuinely for who they are—and relationships with them can be done in truly respectful ways that do not rob them of their multitudes, and avoid the pitfall of projecting our desires and personal modern pet-interpretations upon them.

It’s deeply important that if we want to know these spirits–and especially if we want relationships with them–that we uncover their true essence to whatever extent we can. 

I do not claim that I have the whole picture–and even if we had every detail of ancient societies recorded, we still would not really know everything about a spirit because they are numinous and cannot be contained within such a small depth of perception.

The work I do is finding an opening in the hedge, so that people can start a relationship from a glimmer of who these spirits really are. The hedge is the barrier that has been created mostly by human activity and tendencies, and somewhat enforced by the vast numinous nature of spirits themselves in relation to the limits of what we as humans can perceive. My job, in their service, is to form paths through the hedge, little peek-holes if you will, that we humans have built for various reasons–and the rest is up to us having individual relationships for whatever depth we can fathom the multitudes of these spirits. 

Spiritual empowerment and sovereignty

is the primary aim of my work For the SPirits

& the Humans who want to connect with them.

The thread running through all of my work since the beginning, is my desire to help others confidently travel on their spiritual path, discover their birth right of connection with the other-than-human world around them, and co-create a life that they are content with. From the beginning I have made it clear that I do not consider myself a guru (nor do I wish to be pedestalled in this way, ever), but rather as a walking companion who mirrors back to you what you may fail to see on your own—your wondrous gifts, your unique belonging in the web of spiritual ecology, resources and allies you may sometimes overlook, and possible solutions to blindsiding challenges.

Knowing the spirits with more intimacy and at least a glimmer of the truth of their totality, sets us up for healthier, happier, and more fulfilling relationships in the long run. For as long as they choose to speak with and direct me in finding those truths, I hope my work offers you a lamp through the twilight hedge into the vast wonders of a spirit ecology you can only dream of and spirit relationships that surprise and delight you even more.