Before You Start - Folk Witchcraft edition

This FAQ is by no means an exhaustive exploration of the idea of the Witch or Witchcraft.

This is my personal perspective, based on research with the specific intent of untangling pre-modern European supernatural folk and witch beliefs and practices from the heavy handed cover job of colonizing Christian theology. 

Within this perspective, a witch has a specific definition that differentiates them from other occultists. It also greatly simplifies the practices and clarifies the beliefs behind such a person and their part in the wider spiritual world. 

The language of the Christian church was absorbed into popular culture and utilized by some modern practitioners of the witch’s art.

I do my best to not utilize that language or practices heavily influenced by the church. I find absorbing the violently forced assimilation of Christian ideas that killed thousands of people accused of being a witch throughout the whole of Europe to be distasteful… but also, missing the point.

Why would it be our goal to take up the “diabolism” that Christianity painted on thousands of people so that they could justify their deaths?

My goal is not to invalidate other modern forms of witchcraft and definitions of the witch, but instead to share history both of the past and of the present moment. This was a vital guidepost and foundation on my winding journey to fleshing out what I personally have embraced after much consideration, spirit communication, practice, and personal experience. 

A wild witchcraft that returns to its animistic roots, telluric connection to natural cycles and forces, forgoes the costumery forcefully imposed by the Christian church, and returns to spirit relationship as a primary vehicle for ecstasy and empowerment.


A Brief History of Pre-Modern Witchcraft


The 4 Spiritual Paths and Being Spiritually Claimed